Publications by Hiram H. Maxim
Byrnes, H., Maxim, H. H., & Norris, J. M. (2010). Realizing advanced L2 writing development in collegiate education: Curricular design, pedagogy, assessment. Monograph Issue, Modern Language Journal, 94, Issue Supplement. Wiley-Blackwell.
Edited Books:
Dubreil, S., Malinowski, D., & Maxim, H. H. (Eds.). (2023). Spatializing language studies: Pedagogical approaches in the linguistic landscape. New York: Springer.
Maxim, H. H., & Arens, K. (Eds.). (2023). Celebrating Janet Swaffar: A Festschrift. Austin, TX: Agarita Press
Malinowski, D., Maxim, H. H. & Dubreil, S. (Eds.). (2020). Language teaching in the linguistic landscape: Mobilizing pedagogy in public space. New York: Springer.
Allen, H. W. & Maxim, H. H. (Eds.). (2013). Educating the future foreign language professoriate for the 21st century. AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Cengage.
Byrnes, H. & Maxim, H. H. (Eds.). (2004). Advanced foreign language learning: A challenge to college programs. AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle.
Refereed Articles and Chapters:
Maxim, H. H. (2024). Affecting multiple literacies in the linguistic landscape. In D. Gorter & E. Krompák (Eds.). Educational agency and activism in linguistic landscape studies (pp. 125-161). Peter Lang.
Maxim, H. H. (2023). Developing advanced L2-German writing: A functionally oriented longitudinal study. Modern Language Journal, 107(4), 965-990.
Maxim, H. H., & Ryshina-Pankova, M. (2023). Do language classrooms socialize linguistic indifference? German Quarterly, 96(3), 386-394.
The Pipestone Group (Edward C. Dawson, Hannah Eldridge, David Gramling, Hiram Maxim, Sharon Munger Wailes, Patrick Ploschnitzki, Caroline Rieger, Julia Ruck, Marianna Ryshina-Pankova, Chantelle Warner). (2023). Introduction: On linguistic indifference. German Quarterly, 96(3), 378-382.
Maxim, H. H. (2021). A longitudinal case study of curriculum-based L2 writing development. System, 96.
Maxim, H. H. (2020). A methodological and pedagogical framework for designing L2 student-based linguistic landscape research. In D. Malinowski and S. Tufi (Eds.). Reterritorializing linguistic landscapes: Questioning boundaries and opening spaces (pp. 346-363). New York: Bloomsbury.
Maxim, H. H. (2018). Der Aufbau eines lernerzentrierten Projekts zur Untersuchung der Sprachlandschaft. Der Deutschunterricht, 4, 44–52.
Askildson, L., & Maxim, H. H. (2015). “Centering" foreign language departments around useful outcomes assessment: Challenges and opportunities. In J. M. Norris & J. McE. Davis (Eds.). Student learning outcomes assessment in college foreign language programs (pp. 57-69). Honolulu: University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center.
Maxim, H. H. (2014). Curricular integration and faculty development: Teaching language-based content across the FL curriculum. In J. Swaffar & P. Urlaub (Eds.). Transforming Postsecondary Foreign Language Teaching in the United States (pp. 79-101). New York: Springer.
Maxim, H. H., Hoeyng, P., Lancaster, M., Schaumann, C., & Aue, M. (2013). Overcoming curricular bifurcation: A departmental approach to curriculum reform. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 46, 1-26. Recipient of the Stephen A. Freeman Award for Best Published Article in 2013 from the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Maxim, H. H. (2009). “It’s made to match”: Linking L2 reading and writing through textual borrowing. In C. Brantmeier (Ed.), Crossing Languages and Research Methods. Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading (pp. 97-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (pdf)
Maxim, H. H. (2009). An essay on the role of language in collegiate foreign language programmatic reform. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 42, 123-129.
Maxim, H. H. (2009). Developing formal language abilities along a genre-based continuum. In J. Watzinger-Tharp & S. Katz (Eds.), Conceptions of L2 Grammar: Theoretical Approaches and their Application in the L2 Classroom (pp. 172-188). AAUSC Volume on Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle. (pdf)
Byrnes, H., Crane, C., Maxim, H. H., & Sprang, K. (2006). Taking text to task: Issues and choices in curriculum construction. Special issue on task-based learning in the ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 152, 85-110.
Maxim, H. H. (2006). Integrating textual thinking into the introductory college-level foreign language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 90, 19-32.
Maxim, H. H. (2006). Giving beginning adult language learners a voice: A case for poetry in the foreign language classroom. In J. Retallack & J. Spahr (Eds.), Poetry and Pedagogy. The Challenge of the Contemporary (pp. 251-259). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Maxim, H. H. (2005). Enhancing graduate student teacher development through curricular reform. ADFL Bulletin, 36(3), 15-21.
Maxim, H. H. (2005). Articulating foreign language writing development at the collegiate level: A curriculum-based approach. In C. Barrette & K. Paesani (Eds.), Language Program Articulation: Developing a Theoretical Foundation (pp. 78-93). AAUSC Volume on Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle. (pdf)
Maxim, H. H. (2004). Expanding visions for the collegiate advanced foreign language learner. In H. Byrnes & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Advanced Foreign Language Learning: A Challenge to College Programs (pp. 180-193). AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle. (pdf)
Maxim, H. H. (2003). Using cultural theory to navigate the cultural C’s in the foreign language classroom. In B. A. Moser & S. E. Torres, (Eds.), BRICHA Review. Journal of the Blue Ridge International Conference on the Humanities and the Arts (158-163). vols. 1-2. Boone, NC: Appalachian State University.
Maxim, H. H. (2002). A study into the feasibility and effects of reading extended authentic discourse in the beginning German language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 86, 20-35. Awarded 2004 ACTFL-NFMLTA/MLJ Paul J. Pimsleur Prize for Research in Foreign Language Education.
Maxim, H. H. (2000). Integrating language learning and cultural inquiry in the beginning classroom. ADFL Bulletin, 32(1), 12-17.
Maxim, H. H. (1998). Authorizing the foreign language student. Foreign Language Annals, 31, 407-430.
Egbert, M. & Maxim, H. H. (1998). Incorporating critical thinking and authenticity into Business German testing. Modern Language Journal, 82, 19-32.
Reviews, Interviews, Other Publications:
Malinowski, D., Maxim, H. H., & Dubreil, S. (2023). Introduction: Spatializing language studies in the linguistic landscape. In S. Dubreil, D. Malinowski, & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Spatializing language studies. Pedagogical approaches in the linguistic landscape (pp. 1–17). Springer.
Maxim, H. H. (2023). Language learning as textual thinking. In H. H. Maxim & K. Arens (Eds.), Celebrating Janet Swaffar: A Festschrift (pp. 147–163). Agarita Press.
Maxim, H. H. (2021). [Review of the book In Motion: Theaterimpulse zum Sprachenlernen. Von neuesten Befunden der Neurowissenschaft zu konkreten Unterrichtsimpulsen, by Michaela Sambanis and Maik Walter]. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 54.1, 143-145.
Maxim, H. H. (2020). [Review of the book Sloganization in Language Education Discourse, edited by Barbara Schmenk, Stephan Breidbach, and Lutz Küster]. Fremdsprachen Lernen und Lehren, 49.1, 138-141.
Malinowski, D., Maxim, H. H., & Dubreil, S. (2020). Introduction. In D. Malinowski, H. H. Maxim, & S. Dubreil (Eds.), Language teaching in the linguistic landscape. Mobilizing pedagogy in public space (pp. 1–13). Springer.
Published Interview: Kim, S.-Y. (2017). An Interview with Hiram Maxim, Emory University. The Korean Language in America, 21(1), 3–9.
Hoeyng, P. & Maxim, H. H. (2015). [Review of the book Wiener Urbanitäten. Kulturwissenschaftliche Ansichten einer Stadt, edited by Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber, Klara Löffler, Ana Rogojanu, and Jens Wietschorke]. Journal of Austrian Studies, 48.4, 125-128.
Maxim, H. H. & Allen, H. W. (2013). Foreign language graduate student teacher development in the twenty-first century: Challenges and opportunities for collegiate foreign language studies. In H. W. Allen & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Educating the Future FL Professoriate for the 21st Century (pp. 231-237). Boston: Cengage
Byrnes, H. & Maxim, H. H. (2004). Introduction: Creating sites for collegiate advanced foreign language learning. In H. Byrnes & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Advanced Foreign Language Learning: A Challenge to College Programs (pp. vii-xv). AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle.
Maxim, H. H. (1997). A sample multimedia teaching unit for third-semester German. In M. Egbert & A. Vlatten (Eds.). A Practical Primer for Developing a Business German Program (pp. 50-63) Houston: Goethe-Institute.
Maxim, H. H. (1995). [Review of the book German for Business and Economics. 2 vols., by Patricia Ryan Paulsell and Anne-Katrin Gramberg]. Die Unterrichtspraxis 28, 211-212.
Byrnes, H., Maxim, H. H., & Norris, J. M. (2010). Realizing advanced L2 writing development in collegiate education: Curricular design, pedagogy, assessment. Monograph Issue, Modern Language Journal, 94, Issue Supplement. Wiley-Blackwell.
Edited Books:
Dubreil, S., Malinowski, D., & Maxim, H. H. (Eds.). (2023). Spatializing language studies: Pedagogical approaches in the linguistic landscape. New York: Springer.
Maxim, H. H., & Arens, K. (Eds.). (2023). Celebrating Janet Swaffar: A Festschrift. Austin, TX: Agarita Press
Malinowski, D., Maxim, H. H. & Dubreil, S. (Eds.). (2020). Language teaching in the linguistic landscape: Mobilizing pedagogy in public space. New York: Springer.
Allen, H. W. & Maxim, H. H. (Eds.). (2013). Educating the future foreign language professoriate for the 21st century. AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Cengage.
Byrnes, H. & Maxim, H. H. (Eds.). (2004). Advanced foreign language learning: A challenge to college programs. AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle.
Refereed Articles and Chapters:
Maxim, H. H. (2024). Affecting multiple literacies in the linguistic landscape. In D. Gorter & E. Krompák (Eds.). Educational agency and activism in linguistic landscape studies (pp. 125-161). Peter Lang.
Maxim, H. H. (2023). Developing advanced L2-German writing: A functionally oriented longitudinal study. Modern Language Journal, 107(4), 965-990.
Maxim, H. H., & Ryshina-Pankova, M. (2023). Do language classrooms socialize linguistic indifference? German Quarterly, 96(3), 386-394.
The Pipestone Group (Edward C. Dawson, Hannah Eldridge, David Gramling, Hiram Maxim, Sharon Munger Wailes, Patrick Ploschnitzki, Caroline Rieger, Julia Ruck, Marianna Ryshina-Pankova, Chantelle Warner). (2023). Introduction: On linguistic indifference. German Quarterly, 96(3), 378-382.
Maxim, H. H. (2021). A longitudinal case study of curriculum-based L2 writing development. System, 96.
Maxim, H. H. (2020). A methodological and pedagogical framework for designing L2 student-based linguistic landscape research. In D. Malinowski and S. Tufi (Eds.). Reterritorializing linguistic landscapes: Questioning boundaries and opening spaces (pp. 346-363). New York: Bloomsbury.
Maxim, H. H. (2018). Der Aufbau eines lernerzentrierten Projekts zur Untersuchung der Sprachlandschaft. Der Deutschunterricht, 4, 44–52.
Askildson, L., & Maxim, H. H. (2015). “Centering" foreign language departments around useful outcomes assessment: Challenges and opportunities. In J. M. Norris & J. McE. Davis (Eds.). Student learning outcomes assessment in college foreign language programs (pp. 57-69). Honolulu: University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center.
Maxim, H. H. (2014). Curricular integration and faculty development: Teaching language-based content across the FL curriculum. In J. Swaffar & P. Urlaub (Eds.). Transforming Postsecondary Foreign Language Teaching in the United States (pp. 79-101). New York: Springer.
Maxim, H. H., Hoeyng, P., Lancaster, M., Schaumann, C., & Aue, M. (2013). Overcoming curricular bifurcation: A departmental approach to curriculum reform. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 46, 1-26. Recipient of the Stephen A. Freeman Award for Best Published Article in 2013 from the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
Maxim, H. H. (2009). “It’s made to match”: Linking L2 reading and writing through textual borrowing. In C. Brantmeier (Ed.), Crossing Languages and Research Methods. Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading (pp. 97-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (pdf)
Maxim, H. H. (2009). An essay on the role of language in collegiate foreign language programmatic reform. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 42, 123-129.
Maxim, H. H. (2009). Developing formal language abilities along a genre-based continuum. In J. Watzinger-Tharp & S. Katz (Eds.), Conceptions of L2 Grammar: Theoretical Approaches and their Application in the L2 Classroom (pp. 172-188). AAUSC Volume on Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle. (pdf)
Byrnes, H., Crane, C., Maxim, H. H., & Sprang, K. (2006). Taking text to task: Issues and choices in curriculum construction. Special issue on task-based learning in the ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 152, 85-110.
Maxim, H. H. (2006). Integrating textual thinking into the introductory college-level foreign language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 90, 19-32.
Maxim, H. H. (2006). Giving beginning adult language learners a voice: A case for poetry in the foreign language classroom. In J. Retallack & J. Spahr (Eds.), Poetry and Pedagogy. The Challenge of the Contemporary (pp. 251-259). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Maxim, H. H. (2005). Enhancing graduate student teacher development through curricular reform. ADFL Bulletin, 36(3), 15-21.
Maxim, H. H. (2005). Articulating foreign language writing development at the collegiate level: A curriculum-based approach. In C. Barrette & K. Paesani (Eds.), Language Program Articulation: Developing a Theoretical Foundation (pp. 78-93). AAUSC Volume on Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle. (pdf)
Maxim, H. H. (2004). Expanding visions for the collegiate advanced foreign language learner. In H. Byrnes & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Advanced Foreign Language Learning: A Challenge to College Programs (pp. 180-193). AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle. (pdf)
Maxim, H. H. (2003). Using cultural theory to navigate the cultural C’s in the foreign language classroom. In B. A. Moser & S. E. Torres, (Eds.), BRICHA Review. Journal of the Blue Ridge International Conference on the Humanities and the Arts (158-163). vols. 1-2. Boone, NC: Appalachian State University.
Maxim, H. H. (2002). A study into the feasibility and effects of reading extended authentic discourse in the beginning German language classroom. Modern Language Journal, 86, 20-35. Awarded 2004 ACTFL-NFMLTA/MLJ Paul J. Pimsleur Prize for Research in Foreign Language Education.
- Daily lesson plans: 1) pre-treatment (first 16 days of instruction before beginning novel); 2) initial transition to guided global recognition (next 9 days of instruction, pp. 1-33 of novel); 3) transition from recognition to production (next 13 days of instruction, pp. 34-76 of novel); 4) transition to cultural analysis (last 26 days of instruction, pp. 77-142 of novel). Key to abbreviations used in lesson plans: GK = Gelenkte Kommunkation = guided communicative textbook activities; FK = Freie Kommunikation = open-ended communicative questions; oB = indicates material written on the board; TPR= Total Physical Response activities; FCE = Free Communication Exercises = exercises in the course workbook to be completed as homework and turned in; PA = Partnerarbeit = activities to be completed as pair work.
- Sample exercises used to guide in-class reading
Maxim, H. H. (2000). Integrating language learning and cultural inquiry in the beginning classroom. ADFL Bulletin, 32(1), 12-17.
Maxim, H. H. (1998). Authorizing the foreign language student. Foreign Language Annals, 31, 407-430.
Egbert, M. & Maxim, H. H. (1998). Incorporating critical thinking and authenticity into Business German testing. Modern Language Journal, 82, 19-32.
Reviews, Interviews, Other Publications:
Malinowski, D., Maxim, H. H., & Dubreil, S. (2023). Introduction: Spatializing language studies in the linguistic landscape. In S. Dubreil, D. Malinowski, & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Spatializing language studies. Pedagogical approaches in the linguistic landscape (pp. 1–17). Springer.
Maxim, H. H. (2023). Language learning as textual thinking. In H. H. Maxim & K. Arens (Eds.), Celebrating Janet Swaffar: A Festschrift (pp. 147–163). Agarita Press.
Maxim, H. H. (2021). [Review of the book In Motion: Theaterimpulse zum Sprachenlernen. Von neuesten Befunden der Neurowissenschaft zu konkreten Unterrichtsimpulsen, by Michaela Sambanis and Maik Walter]. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 54.1, 143-145.
Maxim, H. H. (2020). [Review of the book Sloganization in Language Education Discourse, edited by Barbara Schmenk, Stephan Breidbach, and Lutz Küster]. Fremdsprachen Lernen und Lehren, 49.1, 138-141.
Malinowski, D., Maxim, H. H., & Dubreil, S. (2020). Introduction. In D. Malinowski, H. H. Maxim, & S. Dubreil (Eds.), Language teaching in the linguistic landscape. Mobilizing pedagogy in public space (pp. 1–13). Springer.
Published Interview: Kim, S.-Y. (2017). An Interview with Hiram Maxim, Emory University. The Korean Language in America, 21(1), 3–9.
Hoeyng, P. & Maxim, H. H. (2015). [Review of the book Wiener Urbanitäten. Kulturwissenschaftliche Ansichten einer Stadt, edited by Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber, Klara Löffler, Ana Rogojanu, and Jens Wietschorke]. Journal of Austrian Studies, 48.4, 125-128.
Maxim, H. H. & Allen, H. W. (2013). Foreign language graduate student teacher development in the twenty-first century: Challenges and opportunities for collegiate foreign language studies. In H. W. Allen & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Educating the Future FL Professoriate for the 21st Century (pp. 231-237). Boston: Cengage
Byrnes, H. & Maxim, H. H. (2004). Introduction: Creating sites for collegiate advanced foreign language learning. In H. Byrnes & H. H. Maxim (Eds.), Advanced Foreign Language Learning: A Challenge to College Programs (pp. vii-xv). AAUSC Series Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle.
Maxim, H. H. (1997). A sample multimedia teaching unit for third-semester German. In M. Egbert & A. Vlatten (Eds.). A Practical Primer for Developing a Business German Program (pp. 50-63) Houston: Goethe-Institute.
Maxim, H. H. (1995). [Review of the book German for Business and Economics. 2 vols., by Patricia Ryan Paulsell and Anne-Katrin Gramberg]. Die Unterrichtspraxis 28, 211-212.